Animal Research Medication Delivery Products

Shop for a More Convenient, Ethical Way to Deliver Vital Medication to Research Animals

ClearH2O is passionate in its commitment to the animal research community in developing and supplying only the best products that advance the ethical treatment and humane use and care of laboratory animals. Medicating research animals—while critical to investigate research and facilitating animal recovery—has traditionally been labor-inefficient and in some cases, counterintuitive to animal welfare objectives. For example, delivering analgesics via injection is a common pain management practice; however, qualified staff are required to administer injections, and the handling and restraint needed for administering the injection process can produce cause further pain and stress to the lab animals, potentially jeopardizing both the recovery and the accuracy of research outcomes.

ClearH2O’s MediGel® products when used by veterinarians in combination with the medication of their choice offer a convenient, more efficient way to treat animals pre- and post-operatively,  reducing animal stress and labor, thereby improving IACUC compliance.

Medication Delivery
– Educational Resources

To learn more about how those products are used for medication delivery and review studies, you have many complimentary options:

Medication Delivery
– Instructional Resources

Discover how to mix our medication delivery gels with target medication to treat your recovering research animals.

For a comparison of nutritional profiles of our gels, check out our Nutritional Graph Sheet. Shop for animal research medication delivery products or request your sample today.

Request an Animal Research Product Sample

Experience the advantage of ClearH2O’s gel technology for yourself. Join thousands of leading researchers and animal care professionals worldwide who are successfully advancing medical discovery while improving animal welfare by using gel delivery to hydrate, nourish, and medicate their research animals. Request your sample now.

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Research Papers

  1. Medication Delivery in Laboratory Animal Science Survey Results (2024)

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  2. Use of a Low-calorie Flavored Gel to Facilitate Oral Self-administration of Analgesics in Mice

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