Advancing animal research
Powering ground-breaking scientific and medical research
Hydrate, nourish, and medicate your research animals using more convenient, cost-efficient, and ethical alternatives to traditional methods. As the #1 choice of breeders worldwide for hydrating research animals, ClearH2O helps leading medical research institutions improve their research outcomes, maintain the utmost scientific integrity, and enrich animals’ lives.
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Trusted by the world's leading breeders and researchers
ClearH2O is changing the way we care for animals with ethics, efficiency, and effectiveness at the core. Using ClearH2O’s cutting-edge gel technology, animal researchers, breeders, and producers alike are improving the health and welfare of their animals, all while increasing productivity and performance.
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Over 100 million research animals have been shipped using ClearH2O’s HydroGel® products. Providing a non-wetting, more convenient, and sustainable hydration source than traditional water alternatives, ClearH2O’s products help breeders and researchers work smarter while ensuring their animals are adequately hydrated. With a two-year shelf life and no refrigeration or special handling requirements, HydroGel® is the optimal method for delivering hydration to lab animals.
A practical, economical solution for providing research animals with essential dietary supplementation, ClearH2O’s DietGel® products are proven to increase general life stage and digestive health, breeding performance, and post-surgical or compromised animal recovery rates. ClearH2O products are known for their consistency and purity and are produced under the highest quality standards in the industry.
Medication Delivery
A labor-efficient, cost-effective, and pain-free solution for delivering medication to your research animals, MediGel® products are flavor-enhanced and formulated for accurate dosing and high palatability, making them easy to administer. ClearH2O products serve as a painless alternative to traditional delivery methods like injections or medical chows.
Environmental and nutritional enrichment is a critical component of caring for lab animals. ClearH2O’s FiberBites® and LabGel® are part of some of the industry’s leading enrichment strategies, providing lab animals, like non-human primates, with a novel yet effective nutraceutical delivery system enhances their activity and health.
SEE ALL PRODUCTS →DietGel® GEM has been a miracle for breeding my mice. Before using the GEM diet I would see small litter numbers and a high number of pup deaths. I now have larger litter numbers after using the GEM diet and my KO mice are surviving past initial birth. I will continue making purchases of the GEM diet to power my research.

At the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center, we wanted to find an easy-to-use dietary supplement that could help mouse strains with breeding difficulties. My technicians performed a project where they compared the frequency of litters, litter size, and weaning body weight when various mouse strains were given DietGel® Prenatal in comparison to our regular rodent diet. We observed a significant increase in litter size in one strain, and an increased trend in frequency of litters for all other strains when they were receiving the DietGel® Prenatal.

Advancing agriculture
Helping poultry producers improve productivity and efficiency
With a focus on reducing hatchling stress and mortality to ensure a healthy start, the leading poultry genetics companies worldwide rely on ClearH2O’s hydration supplement products to hydrate, nourish, and vaccinate their chicks and poults.
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Quality is our top priority
Trusted by the world’s leading hatcheries and genetics companies
Produced under the highest quality standards in the industry—equivalent to human food standards—ClearH2O provides poultry breeders and producers with the most convenient and consistent quality products.
See all productsImproving welfare from the hatchery to the farm

Poultry Hydration
A cleaner, drier, and more efficient solution for delivering essential hydration and nutrients to chicks and poults in transit, ClearH2O hydration supplement products are available in a ready-to-use, room temperature shelf stable, cuttable gel format that’s ideal for consistent portioning. HydroGel™ 95 increases hatchling survival rates by providing optimal hydration and reducing stress from hatchery to farm without overstimulating their metabolism.
Hatchery Processing
The challenges in broiler and turkey productions has always been to achieve mass application of biologics while getting the results of individual bird administration. The ClearH2O GelDrop® Delivery System provides topical application of viscous gel droplets that resist wicking and are more enduring during processing, increasing availability for preening, uniform consumption and ultimately, better inoculation.
Brooder Support
The brooding period of the chick and poult life cycle is critical to ensuring the genetic potential and productivity of poultry is ultimately achieved. For hatchlings to get a strong start, early access to feed and water at placement is needed to properly stimulate gastrointestinal and immune development, and promote overall health and livability. AquaBeads®, applied as a top-dressing on starter feed at placement, encourage strong feeding behavior while providing hydration.
Application Devices
Using the best gel delivery system in the industry, ClearH2O’s GelDrop® Applicator consistently produces high-quality droplets. Best of all, the GelDrop® Delivery System and training on its use is provided at no extra cost with the purchase of product.
SEE ALL PRODUCTS →We started using HydroGel™ 95, in all of our day-old chick shipments, after switching away from another brand of nutritional gel. With HydroGel™ 95, the chicks go right to it, and begin eating it right away. We have seen in-transit mortality drop to virtually zero and have experienced benefits in using and including it in each and every chick shipment that we send out, no matter where that destination is.

During summertime due to the increases in temperature we tend to see higher mortality rates in our export shipments; so we decided to start adding HydroGel™ 95 to see if it would help. Since then, we have seen the mortality rates drop to almost zero! We are extremely satisfied with this product as our chicks arrive in excellent condition when it is used.