SKU: 69-503-02

DietGel® Prenatal

DietGel® Prenatal is a high protein supplement, combining hydration and nutrition in a single serving, for lactating and breeding rodents. It is formulated with purified ingredients and key nutrients to support fertility, pregnancy and lactation such as Omega 3 fatty acids, iron, folic acid and calcium.

Suitable for:

  • Rats
  • Mice

Size: 2 oz (56 g) cups
Unit: Case (96 cups)
Sale price$215.00

Boost breeding support with DietGel® Prenatal

DietGel® Prenatal is a high-protein, nutrient-rich supplement designed for breeding and lactating rodents. Combining hydration and essential nutrients in one serving, it supports increased nutritional demands during breeding and lactation periods.

Why DietGel® Prenatal stands out:

  • Provides high-quality protein and Omega 3 fatty acids for optimal development
  • Contains folic acid and iron to meet the needs of breeding rodents
  • Sterile, barrier-packed, and produced to stringent quality standards

Purified ingredients

DietGel® Prenatal is formulated with carefully selected ingredients to ensure safety, efficacy, and consistency for optimal animal care.

Commercially sterile

DietGel® Prenatal is manufactured under stringent quality standards to achieve commercial sterility, ensuring product integrity and safety.

Commited to quality

Products are clearly labeled with lot and expiration dates, and Certificates of Analysis (COAs) are available to ensure transparency and traceability.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Ryan W.

Prenatal DietGel has helped my breeder colony to get much bigger and healthier pups, especially when you give it to the mother right after a litter has dropped. My lab also uses it to help our breeders be more productive when we have a slow point, and it helps us get much bigger pups by the time they are ready to be weaned

Stacey B.

Overall pretty good. We mainly do Patient Derived Tumor Xenograft Drug Treatment studies. Most of the athymic nude mice like this dietgel. However, they do still get picky sometimes so you have to switch up the supplements (Dietgel boost, nutrical, or kitten milk).

Veronica S.

Prenatal diet is AMAZING! I tested it on a few difficult strains that have a hard time breeding. I definitely saw an improvement on health of mother and pups. I even used it as a preventative for dystocia . I noticed a line with this as a health issue at a higher rate than normal mice. This is based on observation only but I did notice I have better success with the pups being delivered. Low to no incidences of dystocia.

Audra K.

Clear H2O provides a consistent product. Our lab uses prenatal diet, boost gel, 76A gel cups and carprofen food cups. Whenever we have any quality control issues Clear H2O has addressed the issues quickly and completely. We are fully satisfied with these products.

Heather B.

We offer DietGel Prenatal to our breeding female mice in our mouse colonies’. We never have had any issues with the mice eating it as it is very appetizing. It is easy to distribute as much or as little as you would like the mice to have. We use a tongue depressor to divide a cup into specific sizes of slices and fill their dishes every 2-3 days as any uneaten gel dries up.

Leslie B.

Diet gel is easy to use and our animals enjoy it.

Jennifer F.

The facility I work at has had some success using the prenatal diet gel for our breeding colonies. We have a particular strain of mouse that is extremely difficult to breed. Unfortunately the gel hasn’t solved all of our breeding issues, but offering it to them allows us to be confident that the breeders are getting the nutrients that they need. The gel is very palatable; so far none of our mice have refused it. We have had more success in using the prenatal lab gel for post op rats that have decreased appetites.

Anna C.

At the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center, we wanted to find an easy-to-use dietary supplement that could help mouse strains with breeding difficulties. My technicians performed a project where they compared the frequency of litters, litter size, and weaning body weight when various mouse strains were given DietGel Prenatal in comparison to our regular rodent diet. We observed a significant increase in litter size in one strain, and an increased trend in frequency of litters for all other strains when they were receiving the DietGel Prenatal. Since then, we have started recommending to our Researchers prenatal gel diet for strains with breeding difficulties.

Advaita C.

The diet gel prenatal is a good source of food for our animals.

Brittany L.

This diet gel has helped with pup sizes and with poor lactating females. It is easy and convenient it give to the mice and rats. They seem to love it as well! I recommend giving this prenatal diet gel a try if you are struggling with your breeders.